četvrtak, 7. siječnja 2016.


In the Standard stress system, it's accented as sūnce.

The derived relational adjective is sunčan sunny.

From this noun, there's a verb:

sunčati sunbathe

It's used with an object if you expose just a part of body to the Sun; if you are all exposed, it's used with a se²:

sunčali smo se we were sunbathing

srijeda, 6. siječnja 2016.


In the Standard stress system, it's accented as lēd, and whenever an ending is attached to it, the vowel e shortens (e.g. na ledu).

The derived relational adjective is leden icy, made of ice.

From this noun, there's a verb pair meaning freeze:

zaleđivati (zaleđuje) ~ zalediti («) freeze

It can be used when someone freezes something (e.g. you put meat in a freezer), but whan something freezes (either caused by someone, or just by cold), a se² must be used:

jezero se zaledilo the lake froze

A similar verb pair is:

smrzavati («) ~ smrznuti (smrzne) freeze

This verb pair can be used when you're not really turning into ice, but just feeling really cold (don't forget se² when it happens to the subject):

smrzavam se I'm freezing

ponedjeljak, 4. siječnja 2016.


In the Standard stress system, it's accented as snijēg (the i is usually not pronounced). The plural form - not often used, mostly in poetry and folk tales - has the short vowel and -ov-: snjegovi.

The derived relational adjective is snježni snow, snowy.

To describe something is exposed to falling snow, use na snijegu.

As with kiša rain, the most common way to express that it is/was snowing is with the verb pair padati ~ pasti (padne, pao) fall:

pada snijeg it's snowing

When it's obvious what is falling, or not clear (it can be a mixture of rain and snow, anyway), you can just say:

opet pada lit. it's falling again

There's an old children's movie Vlak u snijegu Train in snow


subota, 2. siječnja 2016.


One of four seasons. In the Standard stress system, it's accented as zīma.

The derived relational adjective is zimski winter. A frequently used collocation (set combination of adjective + noun) is zimska salama, often just zimska, a type of salami.

There's a related adverb zimi in wintertime.

Colloquially, zima can be used instead of hladno in weather and personal experience expressions, e.g.:

zima mi je = hladno mi je I'm cold

petak, 1. siječnja 2016.


In many dialects, the word leto / lito is used to mean year.

The derived relational adjective is godišnji annual. It's used in e.g. godišnje doba season.

A frequently used collocation (set combination of adjective + noun) is godišnji odmor annual break, 5-6 weeks of paid leave per year most employees have in Croatia.